Tuesday, August 07, 2007

*sigh* and *yay*

Its happening. I'm going back to work today. The summer is finally at a close and work beckons.

In a way I'm sad I won't get to sleep in as much and I'll have to put up with students again and I'll be up forEVER grading papers. I'm teaching 5 classes this fall. Ugh.

On the other hand I'm happy to be going back - happy to see my coworkers again, happy to be teaching again, and excited for a new semester of learning. I truly do like seeing these young men and women learn. I wish I could be easier on them too, but I know I can't or they won't learn anything.

We'll see how it goes. I'm staying optimistic. :)

That's work. Now for home...
On the homefront I'm battling bugs. Yes, bugs.

(Those of you that don't like bugs, PLEASE STOP READING)

I put out border control stuff and even used the grass fertilizer with bug killer in it. But I'm still getting bugs in the house, 3 specific kinds really.

#1- Silverfish - They're in the attic I suspect since I've found a couple crawling out one of the air-conditioning vents in the ceiling.

#2- Spiders - Small ones on the carpet. I suspect the border stuff isn't working to keep them out and they're coming in along the foundation.

#3- Scorpions - Admittedly I've only found two in my house, one last year and one this year, but still this is one bug that I do NOT want to step on at 2 am when I go to the kitchen barefoot for a glass of water.

Solution? I'm buying so much bug killing product today its going to hurt my credit card's feelings. My house inside and out is going to smell like a chemical factory. The only concerns I have are;

#1 - If I put a bug bomb in the attic, will my air unit kicking on ignite the gas and set my house on fire? Doubtful, but it scares me nonetheless.

#2 - I hope my dog's okay when we come back. He tends to get a bit sick everytime any kind of chemical is in the house. I'm taking him with me so he won't be in the house all day but still, when he comes back I hope his little system will handle it alright.


Anonymous said...

I know the mixed emotions of going back to work. Unfortunately I don't work where and with whom I would like but what the heck.
Now a GA boy should know you are going to have bugs. Instead of making Home Depot rich I pay a service to come out once a quarter. Then if I see any bugs between visits they get their butts back out there. After a couple of calls they start doing it right the first time.
Or get a cat and watch him/her stalk, catch, kill, and eat em.

Veloche said...

I set off two bug-bombs yesterday. Didn't cost much and I haven't seen a bug yet. ;)

Anonymous said...

Just wait for Christmas when you have to go to the attic and get the decorations down......