Monday, February 12, 2007

Frantic February

Its mid-February and I'm going ninety miles a minute. At least staying busy is keeping me out of trouble, but right now I feel like I'm barely hanging on with all the work I've taken on.

I recently moved offices, I'm on a few task forces & committees at work, I dedicated some time to write more on my future research project, I've been researching stuff for work, and I've been researching graduate school again. Yeah, I considered going on for the doctoral degree, but I still haven't made up my mind yet about that. I'm also considering a side-job to make some more money. So right now it is somewhat a toss-up as to what extra activity I'll be involved in, whether its a new job or new schooling.

I do feel somewhat stretched financially right now, as you've read in past posts, so I really want to do something about that. The thing is though,... I have a BRILLIANT idea to make money using my current education and specialty. The only problem is, I don't know how to start it, and I wish I did. I KNOW it'd make some excellent cash. I do mean EXCELLENT. But getting started is the major battle. I think I need to just stop freaking out and sit down and construct a business plan. Maybe that will help.

Even though I feel stretched and a bit frenzied momentarily, don't get me wrong. I am happy right now overall. There's always room for improvement, but currently I am in a good place so-to-speak. I've dealt with more stress than this when I worked in engineering, that's for sure. Thanks to some "fantastic" friends I'm coping quite nicely with all my new duties. It does make one wonder though, why do I volunteer to do so much?!? LOL Maybe I should volunteer less where I don't get paid much and put that energy into my side projects that have the possibility of paying me a lot. Hmmmm.... something to ponder.

Hope everything is well with you all. Thanks for staying tuned! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you picked the shortest month of the year to be frantic.
Remember when deciding on grad school and opening your own business to factor in lost WOW time.