Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Okay then...
Christmas this year SUCKED. Yes, I put up outside lights and a tree and all that was great. Those things made me happy. But I don't know what's going on this Christmas,... it seems like I've just been in a funky mood and depression. I thought a lot about mom today and that made it really rough. I know last year we didn't have her, but this year, I gave presents to people, I put up a tree, and I wasn't proccupied with moving into a new house. So I had time to think,.... about her. It rained a lot this week, drizzling all Christmas Day. That sucked. It just felt gloomy.
My wife didn't get me anything for Christmas. I know we talked beforehand and said we wouldn't, but hell, when does she EVER listen to me anyway? I seriously thought she'd get me at least something small. I played Santa and were it not for the 2 DvDs I put in my own stocking I'd have not been able to unwrap anything on Christmas Day. It seems like I had to argue about everything with her today. Stupid petty stuff too,... like the dishwasher.
My job is to fill it and clean the kithen. Her job is to empty it so I can fill it. Dishes have been piling up all week and I've been asking her to empty it ---- so that I wouldn't have to do a lot of work on Christmas day when it came time to cook and use dishes. She emptied it after much nagging on Christmas Day. I know I could've done it days earlier, but that's not the point. We had a deal and she promised me she'd do it. Sure, she had to work a couple of days this week but I did clean the house, grocery shopped, did 5 loads of clothes, went Christmas shopping in the CROWDS for relatives, I went to work a little bit too, and I cooked her really nice meals each night, including steak (which she loves and I tolerate). After cleaning the kitchen after all that mess today, I didn't feel like cooking, so no Christmas Day supper for me. That sortof ruined it too. I bought all kinds of yummy stuff to make too.
Add to all this the fact that I was down and blue about mom, and it made things worse,.. like Mom wouldn't have let all these mini-disasters happen, or if they did, she would've plowed through them and still pulled off a fantastic Christmas. She was amazing at that. She really was a Superwoman. I guess I sortof felt like she would've disapproved of the way today turned out. Yet I know even after all that she would've said to me with caring and love, "Awww, honey, it'll be alright." and she'd give me the biggest warmest hug this planet had ever seen.
Yep, Christmas Sucked.
So there,... I posted something new. =P
I do hope your Christmas was better than mine....
Sorry it was a sad one, and sorry for the self-pity. Maybe next time I'll post a happy one to counterbalance it. I sure hope so. Hang with me. I know everything will be alright. ;) Here's looking forward to a NEW year!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Its the weekend!
I bet you're wondering what I do on the weekends, eh?
Okay, probably not. But since this is my blog, I'm going to tell you anyway.
I game. I relax. I work.
I game.
I often play a game called WoW. WoW stands for World of Warcraft. I play this 3D game with a bunch of friends, most of whom I've never met in person. Yes, I've met some of them in person - some before I played the game, some I met after I already knew them in-game. About 60 of us all get together in the game and do things almost nightly. What's better than spending time with friends, right? :)
So what do we DO? We group up together and go accomplish in-game goals. We chat both through text and through a voice-chat program. We joke around. We exchange recipes. We talk about sports and news and love and life and sex and kids and just about anything you'd talk about with your best friends. We wish each other happy birthday. We congratulate each other on special events like getting jobs and having babies. We post pictures of ourselves and our loved ones so we know what each other looks like.
Some people ask me, isn't it just a bunch of teenage boys that play? NO! In fact, the average target audiences for these type of games are:
#1 White Males ages 25-45
#2 White Females ages 25-45
#3 White Males ages 15-24
From there the numbers convolute a bit between several different groups depending on which study you look at. Most of the people I converse with are in my "guild." A guild is simply an in-game mechanism where you evaluate players and then if you like them you join them into your group. Guilds have their own chat channel and often guilds complete in-game objectives only with their guildmates as opposed to people not in the guild. I've been in guilds that have 500 members. The one I'm in now has on average about 20 - 50 people online at any given time of the day or night. Remember, people all over the world play this game and therefore are in different time zones. If I had to guess at the AVERAGE age of the guild, I'd say it is somewhere in the range of 35-39.
I relax.
Yeah, its the weekend and I deserve to relax some. I watch some television on rare occasion. I sit outside and look at the trees. I play my game to relax. I play with my dog (He's an AWEsome dog!!). I play cards with friends. Every now and then I'll go out of town for a day-trip, or eat at a restaurant, or I'll watch a movie. I love movies - both on the big screen and on DVD. On rare occasion I might even drink a few beers with my neighbor.
I work.
Sometimes on weekends I do work like mowing the grass or planting a bush or some flowers. Often I do work from, yes,... sad to say,... work. I can't help it. Its a necessity pretty often. But I don't let it get me down that I have to work on weekends unless it isn't my own fault I'm doing it. If students cause me extra work because they were dumb or they procrastinated then it pisses me off. But if I do work because I assigned something then I'm okay with it. Either way I temper my work with a lot of the above relaxation and gaming and everything seems to turn out alright. :)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Halloween Tricks

For a long time people have been inviting me to Halloween parties. For most parties people always seem to want all their guests to dress-up. I hardly ever go unless I'm sorta 'forced' to by loved ones.
Let me be clear on something. I don't really like dressing up in a costume. I think its stupid and silly to do it as adults. I know the point is to be silly. That doesn't change the fact that I don't like it.
Why the hell doesn't someone throw a Halloween party that just has a theme and lots of fun stuff to do without making all their guests dress-up?!? I'd throw one myself like that but I'm not really the type that throws a lot of parties. There could be all kinds of cool stuff there with no pressure to dress in costumes. I'm jealous of my friend and coworker Geekalicious. She got invited to one like that. The guys play pool, the women play cards and gossip, they have hayrides and apple-bobbing, and all kinds of stuff like that. But that seems to be a rare occasion in the Halloween party-throwing population.
Want me to dress up and come to your fucking party? Fine. Just expect me to bite someone hard with my fake vampire teeth until it hurts. That way maybe I can take out some of this anger and frustration. Maybe I'll spike your damn punch too. Hmm... I need to go to the liquor store. Yeah, that's it... before this post I didn't know what I was going as. Now I know. I'm going to go as a trouble-making vampire. Here I come with my Halloween Tricks. Get ready. If I've got to wear a fucking costume I'm going to get revenge.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
So anyway...
Last year my dad and mom gave me money to buy a new bed. I'd just bought a house and I used the money for other stuff,... like part of the closing costs etc. Understandable, right? Right. Friday my cousin Kristina got married. This meant that Thursday, my dad, mom, and grandma (Dot Dot) came up from central Florida to spend the night prior to going over Friday for the wedding. I had a queen bed in the Master bedroom and a full bed in one of the guest bedrooms. See the problem?
So last week I ordered a new bed. $1200 of goodness, which my back is still getting accustomed to, but that's a different story. It arrived Thursday. Yes, the same day as my company arrived. I moved the existing queen into the third room and the new queen off my truck into my room by myself, trying to rush and set them up, make the beds, and have everything ready for their arrival. I heard them pulling in as I was putting the sheets on the last bed.
I'm not sure if my back hurt more from moving the beds alone (that new queen is pretty dang heavy - its one with a box-top so its 15" thick) or if my back hurt from adjusting to the new bed. The new one is quite different than the old one.
In either case, at least now I have plenty of bed-space for guests. Want to come visit? :)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Phone mix-up
My phone had some problems the last few days. I couldn't send text messages. It told me I had voice mail when I did not. I took it to Cingular and explained the situation. They tried several things and wound up putting in a new "cim card" (sp?). After 45 minutes of my time, supposedly that fixed the problem. To be safe I asked the lady to send me a text message and I'd reply with one to be certain it was working. She sent one from her phone to mine and since she had my phone in her hand she replied to her own phone with mine. She said, "Its working fine now. And nothing is different than before."
Except my phone number, you stupid bitch.
How the hell could she not notice that my phone number was different when SHE had to type it in to send me a text message?!? How could she fail to mention my number had changed?!? The answer? Incompetence! Good God, woman, go rent a fucking brain cell.
Last night I received many phone calls for some other person. Apparently the idiot had put in a cim card that was already registered to someone else and didn't notice. Additionally, I probably missed several important phone calls I was expecting last night. I should have called Japan for a few hours and told all his friends that called in the middle of the night to fuck off, but I didn't.
Today I went in to Cingular again and the lady there knew what she was doing - unlike the moronic twit from last night. So now I'm back up and running - hopefully. Yay. I do think I lost some messages though, so if you called and left one last night and I didn't respond, now you know why.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Not Dead
Friday, August 18, 2006
Busy Bee

I've definitely been a busy little bee though, seriously. The new semester started last week and for several weeks prior to that I was going nonstop many hours a day, even on weekends, trying to get a new class ready.
Man, designing a new course takes a TON of work - especially when the course is to be 65% online!!! I worked on creating this class all summer but it wasn't until about 3 weeks before school started back that I realized the magnanimosity of this project for which I'd *gulp* volunteered. I'm still nowhere near done. I have yet to create PowerPoint presentations with voice accompaniment, which I plan to do for about eight chapters worth of material. I have yet to write chapter guides for 12 chapters. I have yet to write 5 class assignments out.
But at least I got a ton of course documents created, all the articles scanned and uploaded, and the course website made with blank spaces for the missing parts. I have a plan. And having a fully drawn-out plan when creating a class is a great deal of work. :)
For those of you I've neglected this past month, you have my sincerest apologies. I've been busy with work and haven't called or written many of you. Sadly, don't expect me to be a better friend for another month. =/ (lol) I've still got a ton of work ahead of me. Just know that I'm dealing with it though and only stressing out a little bit as opposed to how I used to deal with work. No wonder I had a minor heart attack at the age of 25. I used to stress out WAY too much about work. Now, I take my time even though I rush a little bit, and I afford myself breaks throughout the day when I know my brain hurts or I can feel my blood pressure rising.
You forgive me though, don't you? Great! I knew you'd understand. ;)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Garden Surprise
In case you can't quite make out the text, it reads;
Frankel (the gnome): Boo!
Frankel (the gnome): Did a gnome hiding in the garden scare you?
Frankel (the gnome): Boo!
Cyrida (a nearby night elf): Yes, I think I peed a little.
Is that great stuff or what?!? :)
Can you tell I'm having a constructive day?
Friday, July 14, 2006
Photos of Japan!
The 3 places with long names were temples we saw in Kyoto. Beautiful!
Sanjusangendo - I couldn't take a picture inside but this is the place with 1001 Buddha statues. Incredible!
Kiyomizudera - Awesome temple with a big Buddha, protector statues to ward off evil spirits, and a bell to ring in reverence of the dead. I lit a candle for mom.
Ginkakuji - Amazing nature and some incredible architecture! Also, this place has some "VIP moss" as they call it, that holds a lot of the soil together and provides nutrients. This place also had an amazing view since it was up high. You can see Kyoto Tower in the distance from the upper path.
The inside restaurant shot includes our friend Mie and her boyfriend Yashka in a place we ate at in Osaka. The neon sign place was one of the streets I took a photo of outside the Osaka restaurant. Too bad I think I deleted the night-time shot of a better one. Oh well.
The Udon shop is in the train station where Mamotaro's statue is located. See the write-up on Mamotaro in my previous post for an explanation.
The man and woman outside the family style restaurant in front of the bonsai tree are Nattsu's parents. They're awesome!
Oh, and the shot of the mountains out the plane window is over Alaska near Mt. McKinley.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Arrival in JAPAN !!!
The flight to Chicago went well. The layover wasn't that bad (3.5 hours). The flight from Chicago to Osaka, Japan was a bizarre experience to say the least. 14 Hours on a plane, 3 meals, and many stretches, a few chapters, 2 movies, and a few new friends later, we arrived.
It took an hour limo bus ride to get from the airport (that's built on a manmade island composed of trash) to the hotel. A shower and a late supper of $45 noodles later, and I crashed for the night. Now it is 4:30 am, and I'm wide awake. I'm to get up and get to the train station by 9 am to meet my friend to join me on a ride to and a tour of Kyoto, the old capitol of Japan. I'm looking forward to it.
I paid $300 a night for my two night stay in the hotel here but I have a nice room on the 22nd floor, where when I look out the window, I see city lights and buildings as far as I can see. If you're familiar with Atlanta's downtown, imagine that as far as you can see, travelling on a highway at 50mph for an hour, on both sides of the raised highway. I've been through Manhattan when I was younger, and even that doesn't compare to the size of this city.
As for the look of it all, of course I can't read any of the signs, but they sure look spectacular all lit up at night. The view is absolutely stunning. I'll update again if I have more internet access. I may not until I get back, but I'll just have to cross my fingers and see.
Until my return, regards from JAPAN !!!:)
Thursday, June 29, 2006

We're first taking a 3 1/2 hour flight to Chicago then a short layover and then the 14 hour flight to Osaka, Japan. Osaka is where our friend Mie lives and she took off work a day to hang out with us and show us around. Wasn't that sweet of her? :) Thanks Mie! We're also going to go sightseeing a day or two in Kyoto, the old capitol of Japan. I hear there're tons of cool things to see there. Shrines, castles, zen gardens, etc. I think its going to be fun!

On the way we'll make a train stop to see the Peach Boy monument. Yes, I just said Peach Boy. I'm not sure if its because Georgia is the Peach State or if its because I'm silly and like kids' stories from around the world and hearing how they're different than the ones I heard as a kid, but I like Peach Boy. Getting to see his monument is kinda cool and I'm excited about that as well. If you'd like to read all about Peach Boy, you can find his story here. Note that his name is Momotaro in the story. There's a great song that goes in the story too, but I couldn't find a sound clip of it.
Wish us safe travels! :) I'll post to let you know we made it back safely when we return.
Ok, so I'm a slacker...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Do you have a 710?
Yesterday I was having some work done at the car dealer.
A blonde woman came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten.
They all looked at each other, and the Mechanic asked,
"What is a seven-hundred-ten?"
She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine. I lost it and need a new one. It had always been there."
The mechanic gave the woman a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like.
She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.
He then took her over to another car which had the hood up
and asked, "Is there a 710 on this car?"
She pointed and said, "Of course, it's right there."
Click here to learn the identity of the mysterious 710:
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Money, Native Americans, Nature, & My Brother
So, I need to catch you up-to-date but I'm tired as it is late at night.
Here goes:
- I took a trip to Cherokee North Carolina for Memorial weekend.
- I lost $300 in Harrah's Casino
- I bought jewelry made by the Navajo Indians, and yes, I was in Cherokee, North Carolina, not Navajo, North Carolina. I got a cool ring!
- I drove up to the Smoky Mountain National Park and hiked up to Clingman's Dome.
- My brother Ken and his wife Sherry came to visit me on my 35th birthday! We had fun. We grilled Fillet Mignon with a mushroom rub wrapped in bacon, grilled corn-on-the-cob, had some garlic mashed potatos, side salad, and fresh green beans. We played Outbreak and watched Chronicles of Riddick. They saw my new house and they said they really liked it. I'm extremely glad about that. :)
So now you're all caught up. Tomorrow I go to the Georgia Rennaissance Festival where several friends are meeting. I'm excited!
Monday, May 15, 2006
My Only Friend, The End
People often ask me though, "How do you tolerate it? Why do you still teach, given how snotty kids can be, how bitchy and whiny and irresponsible they are sometimes? Why in the world do you do it, especially at your salary?!? Why put up with all the shit for the low pay?!?" Here's my answer: A year from now ONE of these people MIGHT come back and tell me some story of how the skills they learned in this class helped them in life. It may not sound like much, but that one person's story can make this job worthwhile.
Of course, I'm sure I'd be just as happy in a corporate communication job, especially if the pay was good. :) But those opportunities come along very seldomly. When I was searching for a job prior to accepting this one, I had several interviews for corporate positions as well as those in academia. I applied about 50% to the corporate world, and 50% to academia, so I interviewed at everywhere from Clemson University to up to the 4th interview with Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Illinois (in Chicago).
Sidebar here about that BCBS of Illinois position... I think I was shafted on that one. I went for four interviews. I was even shown where my office would be (20-something floor looking out over Lake Michigan). Everyone IU had interviewed with told me I was perfect for the job. At the last interview, I gave a PowerPoint presentation and speech, highlighting the functions of workplace communication groups. I could tell they liked it. Four people even winked at me or nodded at me with a subtle 'thumbs-up' gesture. The whole communication group is made up of Barbie-Doll-esque women, and one male. The one male is the head of the group. At BCBS, the group even has the nickname of the "Barbie-Doll Team" and it is common knowledge that the guy hires only Barbie-Doll-esque women.
From all their positive feedback I was sure I'd get the job. A few days later I got a call turning me down. I found out who he hired,... you guessed it,.. another Barbie Doll-esque woman. Through an inside source I found out she was not even as qualified as I am for the job. I seriously considered sueing the living fuck out of them. I know I'd have a case. I didn't though. I hate how litigious our society has become and I despise wrongful hiring practices. I've actually been TOLD by an employeer before that I was the best choice for the job but due to equality distributions he needed to hire a woman or a minority. Damnit, I don't care what kind of quotas we need to meet in this world to "show" our equality. Hire the person that is best for the job! I don't give a shit if they're male, female, black, white, or purple. I say get rid of all this anti-discrimination bullshit. Let people hire whoever they want to,.. and if they choose less-qualified people for the job, based solely on their gender or color, then fine! Let them FAIL in business because they were too damned shallow to hire the best person for the position!!!!
Oh yes, so anyway,.. about all those interviews,...
There was one company I applied to that I never heard back from. Leica instruments. They are a swiss company and make instruments for civil engineering. I used to do Civil Engineering Drafting & Design for about 12 years total. Now I have a Master's in Communication. They needed someone to do PR communications for them. Ummm.... HELLO!?!?!? Why the heck did they never contact me?!? I'd have been PERFECT for that job! *sigh* That one I still wonder about.
So, where does all this leave me? I am out for the semester. I teach during the month of June, 5 days a week. I am in an annual contract position at a local University west of Atlanta. I wish I had more stability than being on a yearly contract. Why is it that they have to do that? Government budgetting? Inability to committ to hiring someone permanently? Why can't they hire people on a yearly basis for the first 2 years then change them over to be a 'lecturer' position in which they have job security? Even worse is,.. there is an unwritten rule at this University, that they don't keep anyone more than 7 years. Why is that? I think there are a lot of things in academia that are screwed-up. And sometimes, yes, I question what the hell I'm doing here. But every now and then I get that one student with the story of life change and it makes it all worthwhile.
(But corporate America, keep an eye on me! If you need someone with my skills,... you know where to turn!)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Musical Questions
The rules: Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question. Post this on your blog.
Leave a comment here when you post it on your site. Simple enough? Right? Right.
~Will I get far in life?
Blindfolded - Carelessness Kills
~How do my friends see me?
Daknit, Bard of Justice - Doesn't take a Telepath (to figure out what you were thinking)
~Where will I get married?
Poe - Hello
~What is my best friend’s theme song?
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
~What is the story of my life?
Type O Negative - The Glorious Liberation of the People
~What was high school like?
Los Enanitos Verdes - Amigos
~How can I get ahead in life?
Collective Soul - The World I Know
~What is the best thing about me?
Dave Brubeck - There'll Be Some Changes Made
~How is today going to be?
Metallica - The Struggle Within
~What is in store for this weekend?
White Zombie - Blood, Milk, And Sky
~What song describes my parents?
Sound Clip from Cool Hand Luke - "What we've got here is,... failure to communicate."
~My grandparents?
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Please Baby
~How is my life going?
Elton John - Candle In The Wind
~What song will they play at my funeral?
Metallica - Until It Sleeps (LOL !!!)
~How does the world see me?
Days Of The New - Downtown (I knew I wasn't Uptown!)
~Will I have a happy life?
George Carlin - Capital Punishment (OMFG!!! LOL)
~What do my friends really think of me?
Braveheart - Amazing Grace
~Do people secretly lust after me?
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
~How can I make myself happy?
Metallica - Leper Messiah (ewww)
~What should I do with my life?
George Carlin - Minority Language
~Will I ever have children?
Jethro Tull - Part of the Machine
~What is some good advice?
8Stops7 - Satisfied
~What is my signature dancing song?
Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
~What do I think my current theme song is?
Aerosmith - Love In An Elevator (Mmmm...)
~What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Blindfolded - Wonderful
~What type of men/women do you like?
Sound Clip of Beavis saying "Insane in the Membrane" but then
Kool & The Gang - Cherish
Monday, May 01, 2006
Boycott This!
They get no support from me.
If they love this country so much, if they want to be here so badly, they should respect our laws and the people who are waiting patiently to enter this country legally. There are a lot of people in the legal line waiting to get in. They should be first. Thats why there is a green card lottery and a whole set of immigration legislation! If you break the law, you should be put in jail and then deported.
I have no problem with immigrants. Some of my best friends are immigrants. America was founded with immigration. My wife is an immigrant, a LEGAL one before I even met her. I have a problem with ILLEGAL immigrants. Legal immigrants go through the proper channels to be here, illegal immigrants do NOT and THAT is the difference.
As such, I am boycotting all closed businesses for one year. I also plan on eating out for every meal today and am purchasing some items today. So, illegal immigrants aren't showing up for work? They wont profit from todays sales? Good. They can suffer for their crime.
A world without illegal immigrants is fine. They'll see the only difference they make is a negative one. If they want to make a real difference, then they can go back to their countries of birth. Let America's economy adjust and prosper without them and let the Federal Government allow in people that are willing to go through the proper channels to GET to the land of the free, NOT those who get here on a free ride. They should APPLY to come and work and live here. THEN they will have my full respect and support.
And for those who say that this isn't about illegal immigrants but immigrants in general. I call bullshit. Did you even read my distinction above? Besides, a march, a protest, a boycott was never even thought of until Congress discussed introducing a bill to make illegal immigrants a felony charge. They should make it a felony. These people should not be rewarded for illegally getting here!
Thanks to ODB for the idea of posting on this. ;)
Peace, my friends.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Trivia, Old Friends, and Trees
Tonight I went to eat at a place called Johnny's Pizza and Subs. It was a good place and it was trivia night. I came in 3rd place. =/ Damnit, I WAS in 1st place until I missed the last question. The sad part is I saw the 1st place winner guy using his cellphone to get the answer. That chubby fucking bastard! 1st place won a $25 gift certificate to the restaurant, so it wasn't some life-changing contest, but still. That's not right,... the fucker. Looking at the size of his belly he needs free food like a fucking hole in the head. At least the dick had kids, so I hope some of the food goes to them. Probably not though, the grubby dicklicker will probably eat it all for himself. Those poor damn kids are going to starve. Come to think of it, the kids did look pretty skinny. =/ Fat bastage!
This trivia event reminded me (in a good way) of Elvis though. (See, the whole thing was overall a great and fun time.) Elvis is particularly good at trivia. He kicks major trivia game ass. I like playing with him. We each have our own areas of expertise, but we're both pretty damn good at it. The last time he and I played trivia together was in a restaurant in Albany. I'm pretty sure that night we came in first place and won some sort of gift certificate then too.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
What a Break...
- planted flowers & bushes around new house (they died due to the freeze LOL)
- played MTG with friends
- played some WoW
- I drove down to Smallbany, GA to visit friends
I know that Albany is not a small town - It is usually the 4th or 5th largest city in GA. I call it small due to the unfortunate situation many of its residents are in - a state of small-mindedness. I love my friends that are there - they are exceptions to the rule, but a great deal of the people there make me want to vomit. The words, "pretentious, racist, snobbish, judgemental, fanatically religious, and superficial" come to mind.
Mind you, as I said, the friends I made in Albany are my friends because they weren't those things. It is okay to be religious, but anyone who tells me I'm going to hell for the way I believe is judging me and they can go fuck themselves. Furthermore, the pretentious, superficial, 'I'm better than you because I drive/wear/went to/etc' people,.. well,... those people are a lifeform somewhat below the level of moldy cheese and they reminded me of why I don't like to visit SMALLbany. However, there are still reasons I'll probably visit again;
5. I played poker with friends, just hung out with friends,
6. I played some PnP RPG (Marvel) with good friends, and
7. I got to visit the most wonderful family I know, the Parrs.
The Parrs are family to me. I literally call them Mom, Brother, and Sister. Its because through my good fortune I made friends with one hell of a guy I call Elvis, some 16 years ago. He's a wacky type, so you can imagine we get along pretty well. :) I'm glad for that. His mom is terrific, and I consider her to be my mom of sorts too. Heck, she's raised me quite a lot since I met her. His sister is a riot too. She's a bit odd, but aren't all sisters? hehe ;) She has 5 children I really adore. Also living with them is his Aunt. She's a fruitbasket but I love her dearly as well - hehe! I got to spend hours with them just playing and talking. It was because of numbers 5, 6, and 7, that I will brave number 4 again. They make the trip totally worthwhile.
{EDIT}: Mitch, you dipshit, you're included in #5! Yes folks, I hung out with the amazing Mitch Belcher!!! :) Hehe. - Better?!? :P You Dork. LOL, Don't worry Mitch, I still luv ya!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Hazy Daze

Wow, its spring break already!
And amazingly the time left in it is flying by,... quickly coming to a close.
What have I done you ask? Where have I gone?
I went to Home Dept and Truevalue and Lowe's.
I planted flowers and bought a chainsaw to cut down some trees.
Exciting, huh? Well, it isn't the most exhillarating spring break ever, but hey, when you own a home, isn't this what you're supposed to do?
I also got the taxes done. I thought I'd be in good shape after buying a home. Big fucking surprise that a corporation screwed things up. I owe the state government $700!!! >.< I am NOT happy about it.
The only thing I AM happy about right now is that some friends are driving over from Atlanta today so we can play some Magic: The Gathering (card game). :) Wheee!
I'll take some pics of the flowers when I'm done and post them. =P
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Unisex: Violation of Expectations ?!?

Ooh, ooh,.. I forgot to post about this last week. So here it is now.
The Setup
For quite some time I've entertained conversations with a few coworkers about the labeling of what used to be the Men's Faculty Bathroom. Now it is the "Unisex / Handicap" bathroom. We often joke about the fact that very often people will go in to use it and not lock the door. At the same time we wonder if it is strange that people go in and lock the door, since it is afterall "Unisex". We always joke that one day we'll use the urinal and not lock the door and see if people still come in or if they immediately leave. To understand where this is going you need to know what the bathroom looks like.
The Bathroom Layout
There is an exterior locking door. Inside, there is a sink, a urinal (with small walls on either side), and one stall with a locking door.
The Event
One day last week I had to pee really badly. I left my office and went around the corner to the Unisex bathroom because it is closest to my office. (There's a men's room on another hall not 50 more feet away though). I opened the bathroom door to find a young woman styling her hair at the sink. Seeing as I had to pee really really badly,.. I politely said, "Oh, hello,... excuse me." and I walked right past her and started using the urinal. She left in quite a hurry thereafter. Once the door closed behind her I chuckled slightly as the wave of relief washed over me.
The comedy of it all - and the Questions this poses
There's a separator wall between the sink and the urinal. Should she have not felt uncomfortable seeing as it was a Unisex bathroom? Should she not have hurried out but instead finished styling her hair? I think if I walked in and some woman was using the stall, I'd still use the urinal. I mean, really,.. who gives a damn. We're adults.
I know a lot of students probably have not had a public bathroom experience, but I have (and no, I wasn't even in Europe). I know me continuing violated her expectations. As for myself, I think its rather comical. That'll teach her to use the Unisex bathroom! I can hardly wait until these young adults go out into the corporate world and have to use a bathroom where there are 40 stalls side-by-side and people actually *gasp* talk to each other while defecating.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Janet and Chris at my WebCT Vista training session
We're switching over to WebCT Vista at work. I like using WebCT for my courses, and this looks like it has some nice features even though I'm sure I'll spend a few more days figuring out how to make it do what I want it to do. Chris is a nice and very helpful guy. Janet is awesome. She's helped me a lot with WebCT and other distance learning issues. Snapping their picture with my camera phone is somewhat revenge. They're always taking pictures of us (faculty) at their functions and I figured it was time for some payback. ;)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Rock-N-Roll never dies - It just changes venues!

Yesterday I was driving to work and I was flipping through the radio stations. I stopped because I came across some Huey Lewis and the News. They were playing "Heart and Soul" - a great song with a hard driving guitar lick. "Dum Dum Du Dum Dum Dumm Dumm Dummmmmm - She's Heart and Sooouuuull!" Damn that's good. You sing it Huey. Fuckin' A!
I wait until the song is over and then I hear the station I.D. .... [drum roll please] .... it was on the fucking LIGHT FM station!!!! NOoooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Say it isn't so! That's just not right! Damnit, Rod Stewart I can understand, but NOT Huey Lewis' Heart and Soul, No Way!!!
Immediately I thought back to my Dad telling me when I was a kid about how mad he was that he heard Neil Diamond and Neil Young both on a Light FM station. Heart and Soul is a ROCK song! It has a hard hitting guitar lick! It belongs on a ROCK station! Damnit, I AM NOT that old yet!!!! If I had heard him in an elevator I think I would've died right then and there. A Light FM station was bad enough. Ugh. Don't worry, Huey, it's still rock-n-roll to me.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Going well
Classes are moving along. I changed some policies this semester and I'm really liking the changes, especially since it is reducing my stress and my workload too! :) The only thing going wrong of late is that my laptop is acting weird. All of a sudden I can't do hardly anything on it without it locking up on me. I think it is time to call in the pros and ask them to defrag / reformat / whatever it takes to solve the problem. (And this time I'll ask them to PLEASE leave off all the junk software that they think I need. The hard drive is full!)
The house still needs a lot of things done to it / around it, but oh well,.. I'll get to them one by one. All in all, I am very happy with my new home. If you feel energetic you're welcome to come cut down some of the trees in my backyard. I love trees, but I prefer to reduce the amount of pines and I'll keep the others.
Today is a very pretty day - sun shining, light breeze, blue sky,... I took off a little bit early and just drove around during the daylight before coming home. :)
Today I'm in a great mood.
I am optimistic that it will continue.