For a long time people have been inviting me to Halloween parties. For most parties people always seem to want all their guests to dress-up. I hardly ever go unless I'm sorta 'forced' to by loved ones.
Let me be clear on something. I don't really like dressing up in a costume. I think its stupid and silly to do it as adults. I know the point is to be silly. That doesn't change the fact that I don't like it.
Why the hell doesn't someone throw a Halloween party that just has a theme and lots of fun stuff to do without making all their guests dress-up?!? I'd throw one myself like that but I'm not really the type that throws a lot of parties. There could be all kinds of cool stuff there with no pressure to dress in costumes. I'm jealous of my friend and coworker Geekalicious. She got invited to one like that. The guys play pool, the women play cards and gossip, they have hayrides and apple-bobbing, and all kinds of stuff like that. But that seems to be a rare occasion in the Halloween party-throwing population.
Want me to dress up and come to your fucking party? Fine. Just expect me to bite someone hard with my fake vampire teeth until it hurts. That way maybe I can take out some of this anger and frustration. Maybe I'll spike your damn punch too. Hmm... I need to go to the liquor store. Yeah, that's it... before this post I didn't know what I was going as. Now I know. I'm going to go as a trouble-making vampire. Here I come with my Halloween Tricks. Get ready. If I've got to wear a fucking costume I'm going to get revenge.
can't stand costume or theme parties. however, every Halloween i don my gorilla suit and scare the shit out of the trick or treaters. funny, the little kids love it. teenagers however tend to run down the street while their friends laugh at them.
and as an aside, if you drive yourself through the neighborhood, you are probably too old to T/T
Saturday night my date and I went to a halloween party. We'd just come from the Oakland Cemetary Halloween Tour, so we weren't dressed in costume. I did bring mine, but thought wth. Eventually I gave in to peer pressure and changed into it.
I was gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe.
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