Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hazy Daze

Wow, its spring break already!
And amazingly the time left in it is flying by,... quickly coming to a close.

What have I done you ask? Where have I gone?

I went to Home Dept and Truevalue and Lowe's.
I planted flowers and bought a chainsaw to cut down some trees.
Exciting, huh? Well, it isn't the most exhillarating spring break ever, but hey, when you own a home, isn't this what you're supposed to do?

I also got the taxes done. I thought I'd be in good shape after buying a home. Big fucking surprise that a corporation screwed things up. I owe the state government $700!!! >.< I am NOT happy about it.

The only thing I AM happy about right now is that some friends are driving over from Atlanta today so we can play some Magic: The Gathering (card game). :) Wheee!

I'll take some pics of the flowers when I'm done and post them. =P

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