If you read my last post you'll know I was wondering what kind of a SIGN it was. Here's a totally different kind of sign. I've been seeing a lot of signs lately,... of all sorts. For instance,.. I saw one last week that read, "New, 'All-Day Laundry' - Now open 24/7 !" If its 24 / 7,.. what happened to the night? Not too long ago I saw a turkey standing underneath a deer crossing sign. And now the bird fiasco.
Isn't it funny though, sometimes we can see all the signs, but don't understand what they're trying to tell us? I still haven't quite figured out the bird one yet but I'm working on it. I'm also sure I'm missing a ton of signs somewhere. If they were only clear in meaning and were neon so I wouldn't miss them.
There are signs everywhere. Sometimes we just don't read them or look for them and we end up losing friends over stupid stuff. I miss you friend!
I miss you too!
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