When I posted my Birthday Wishlist I wasn't expecting, but I was hoping someone would get me one of those "hot items." It hasn't come true YET, but I'll wait for it. Maybe someone found me one! :)
This week is going fairly well. My brother Ken came to see me yesterday on his way through to see his in-laws that live in Alabama. Its always good to see you, Brother! I wish I'd taken a picture of me and Ken so I could post it up here. Maybe he'll stop by on the return trip. HINT HINT - if you see this, Ken!
The beginning of this week was kindof scary though. I went to the Doctor to get some bloodwork done. The sweet lady that takes my blood is great. She told me she was a Vampire. She's so spunky I bet she's a bundle of fun to hang out with. She's a bit older than me seeing as she has a son that's 25 but she sure doesn't look it. I kept looking at her ass in those bright green medical pants. I know, shame on me, but hey, I'm trying to prove a point here that she looks great for her age.

ANYway,... she was taking my blood and couldn't find a vein. I wasn't feeling well that day and I didn't drink my normal morning water, so I was getting dehydrated. I also didn't notice the time. It was already around 1:30 pm and I hadn't eaten yet. She stuck me a few times in one arm then switched to the other arm. I don't typically have ANY problem with needles. I've never fainted from them, and I used to sit up and watch Dr. Adams when he'd remove my toenail. Hell, I'd even help.

She was finally drawing some blood from my other arm and I made a comment about it looking more like Jello than blood. I was really dehydrated and all of a sudden I felt HOT. I started sweating like MAD, all over. My arms, legs, back, everything was immediately drenched. I know, gross, right? I asked, "Why is this happening to me?" and my vision blurred, my ears stopped up making it difficult to hear, and I thought I was going to pass out. it felt really strange. I've never had that happen before.
Mrs. Hot Vampire Spunky Lady held my face in her hands, told me in a sweet gentle voice, to look at her, to focus, and take deep breaths. She got me a cold washcloth and wiped my face and neck and arms down and fanned air on me. THANK YOU, you spunky little Minx! Without you there I'd be in the darkness. Soon I recovered and color came back to my face. I'm very grateful to her for what she did. I don't know how rare of an occurence that is, but I'm glad she knew how to handle the situation. I felt kinda bad about it seeing as I certainly didn't anticipate that happening to me. But now I'm totally fine. She gave me some water and I was back to smiling.
So, after a traumatic start to the week and a great recovery, I think I'm in need of one of those hot items off my birthday wishlist below. If you can find a similar model I'm sure she'd suffice. Just send her my way! Thanks. :)
This week is going fairly well. My brother Ken came to see me yesterday on his way through to see his in-laws that live in Alabama. Its always good to see you, Brother! I wish I'd taken a picture of me and Ken so I could post it up here. Maybe he'll stop by on the return trip. HINT HINT - if you see this, Ken!
The beginning of this week was kindof scary though. I went to the Doctor to get some bloodwork done. The sweet lady that takes my blood is great. She told me she was a Vampire. She's so spunky I bet she's a bundle of fun to hang out with. She's a bit older than me seeing as she has a son that's 25 but she sure doesn't look it. I kept looking at her ass in those bright green medical pants. I know, shame on me, but hey, I'm trying to prove a point here that she looks great for her age.

ANYway,... she was taking my blood and couldn't find a vein. I wasn't feeling well that day and I didn't drink my normal morning water, so I was getting dehydrated. I also didn't notice the time. It was already around 1:30 pm and I hadn't eaten yet. She stuck me a few times in one arm then switched to the other arm. I don't typically have ANY problem with needles. I've never fainted from them, and I used to sit up and watch Dr. Adams when he'd remove my toenail. Hell, I'd even help.

She was finally drawing some blood from my other arm and I made a comment about it looking more like Jello than blood. I was really dehydrated and all of a sudden I felt HOT. I started sweating like MAD, all over. My arms, legs, back, everything was immediately drenched. I know, gross, right? I asked, "Why is this happening to me?" and my vision blurred, my ears stopped up making it difficult to hear, and I thought I was going to pass out. it felt really strange. I've never had that happen before.
Mrs. Hot Vampire Spunky Lady held my face in her hands, told me in a sweet gentle voice, to look at her, to focus, and take deep breaths. She got me a cold washcloth and wiped my face and neck and arms down and fanned air on me. THANK YOU, you spunky little Minx! Without you there I'd be in the darkness. Soon I recovered and color came back to my face. I'm very grateful to her for what she did. I don't know how rare of an occurence that is, but I'm glad she knew how to handle the situation. I felt kinda bad about it seeing as I certainly didn't anticipate that happening to me. But now I'm totally fine. She gave me some water and I was back to smiling.
So, after a traumatic start to the week and a great recovery, I think I'm in need of one of those hot items off my birthday wishlist below. If you can find a similar model I'm sure she'd suffice. Just send her my way! Thanks. :)
Having blood taken has never been a favortie pasttime of mine. It really all depends on the Vampire in charge.
Now this does make me wonder if you are reconsidering ink.
I think the two experiences will be really different, although I can't say as it hasn't crossed my mind. I know one thing - when I do go for the ink, I sure as hell will be feeling better and will have a big bottle of water with me. ;)
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