I'm still hunting for jobs. I've had two interviews so far. One was with a local technical college for a public relations specialist. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like that job description AND its only 15 minutes from my house, against Atlanta commuter traffic! I hope out of all the jobs I applied for, that one calls me with an offer. I know I'd love it. I've always been a fan of technical colleges ever since I went through it and it shaped my life in several ways.
I had another interview today. It was with the Red Cross. The job description sounds fine, and I really liked the people there and I know I'd have fun doing the job, but two things bother me about it. First, when the lady contacted me to reschedule the interview (yes, they postponed an interview) she told me a different time than what the original interview was. (She said, I know we had an appointment for 12 noon today, but..... --- the problem was, the interview was scheduled for 11:30, not 12 noon.) Secondly, the lady that interviewed me showed up late AND she had me do a "writing test."
Excuse me? What?!? A writing test for a person with a Master's degree from the University of Illinois?!? Get real. On top of that, this "writing test" was to write a news release and a letter to pitch their planned event to send to local media. In other words, I just did an hour's work for free for them. How tacky!
I swore to myself I'd never do that again too - free work in an "interview." I once was told in order to get a civil job I had to design a site layout and a company logo (a good 3 hours worth of work or more). I stopped working at an hour and a half and saved my work in a way that they could only look at it and not edit or copy it before putting it on a disk for them. I also told them it was tacky to ask me to do that work and not pay me for my time. Of course I didn't get that job, but guess what.... four months later that company went bankrupt. HA!
Anyway,... the hunt goes on. Meanwhile, I have a contract to work the month of July, teaching again. Fun fun. Time for summer students!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
SHhhhhhh! Be vewwy vewwy quiet!

I'm hunting... JOBS!
I'm really sick of the bullshit people in academia try to get away with.
Let's just SAY there's this person that everyone agrees messed up a job she had before. Someone filled the position that was wonderful at it and straightened some things out, thank goodness. That's great. Then the boss of that person's position is fired because he didn't do anything he was supposed to, that's good - leaving an interim boss, that's good too. But then that wonderful person leaves for more money, that's bad. And then the interim boss starts doing crazy shit like APPOINTING a person to fill the position withOUT consulting the faculty that are under that person's supervision, or anyone else!!!! That's VERY bad! It turns out the person appointed is the person that messed things up in the first place, that's bad too. Still following along?
Why oh why does there have to be so much damn drama in academia? These people are supposed to be well-rounded in culture, life, and education, and yet they make some stupid decisions. And its NOT just this one instance. I see it happen all the time. I think there should be a requirement of HAVING to work in the REAL corporate world FIRST, before ever getting a job in academia. And I'm not talking about being a sandwich artist, either. I mean corporate America, where if you mess things up you're held accountable! In corporate America we strive for efficiency. Somewhere along the lines, efficiency got LOST in much of academia.
I'm really sick of the bullshit people in academia try to get away with.
Let's just SAY there's this person that everyone agrees messed up a job she had before. Someone filled the position that was wonderful at it and straightened some things out, thank goodness. That's great. Then the boss of that person's position is fired because he didn't do anything he was supposed to, that's good - leaving an interim boss, that's good too. But then that wonderful person leaves for more money, that's bad. And then the interim boss starts doing crazy shit like APPOINTING a person to fill the position withOUT consulting the faculty that are under that person's supervision, or anyone else!!!! That's VERY bad! It turns out the person appointed is the person that messed things up in the first place, that's bad too. Still following along?
Why oh why does there have to be so much damn drama in academia? These people are supposed to be well-rounded in culture, life, and education, and yet they make some stupid decisions. And its NOT just this one instance. I see it happen all the time. I think there should be a requirement of HAVING to work in the REAL corporate world FIRST, before ever getting a job in academia. And I'm not talking about being a sandwich artist, either. I mean corporate America, where if you mess things up you're held accountable! In corporate America we strive for efficiency. Somewhere along the lines, efficiency got LOST in much of academia.
Certainly this crap isn't the only reason I've pulled out the shotgun and put on my Elmer Fudd cap, but they do contribute to the reasoning. There are a few more reasons:
Money: I found out my institution pays its "temporary instructors" (that's me) $9,000 LESS a year than the national average for this position. Meanwhile, the same institution pays professors $12,000 MORE a year than the national average for those positions. No wonder they can't keep instructors. And they wonder why they can't hold on to the good ones. DUH, you asshats, get a clue and rearrange the freakin budget!
Desire: I've wanted for a long time to get into a corporate PR-type position. I feel I've waited long enough. I'm going to try and find one that suits me well. Wish me luck! :)
Now, let me get back to my hunting...........
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Okay people,.....
When I posted my Birthday Wishlist I wasn't expecting, but I was hoping someone would get me one of those "hot items." It hasn't come true YET, but I'll wait for it. Maybe someone found me one! :)
This week is going fairly well. My brother Ken came to see me yesterday on his way through to see his in-laws that live in Alabama. Its always good to see you, Brother! I wish I'd taken a picture of me and Ken so I could post it up here. Maybe he'll stop by on the return trip. HINT HINT - if you see this, Ken!
The beginning of this week was kindof scary though. I went to the Doctor to get some bloodwork done. The sweet lady that takes my blood is great. She told me she was a Vampire. She's so spunky I bet she's a bundle of fun to hang out with. She's a bit older than me seeing as she has a son that's 25 but she sure doesn't look it. I kept looking at her ass in those bright green medical pants. I know, shame on me, but hey, I'm trying to prove a point here that she looks great for her age.

ANYway,... she was taking my blood and couldn't find a vein. I wasn't feeling well that day and I didn't drink my normal morning water, so I was getting dehydrated. I also didn't notice the time. It was already around 1:30 pm and I hadn't eaten yet. She stuck me a few times in one arm then switched to the other arm. I don't typically have ANY problem with needles. I've never fainted from them, and I used to sit up and watch Dr. Adams when he'd remove my toenail. Hell, I'd even help.

She was finally drawing some blood from my other arm and I made a comment about it looking more like Jello than blood. I was really dehydrated and all of a sudden I felt HOT. I started sweating like MAD, all over. My arms, legs, back, everything was immediately drenched. I know, gross, right? I asked, "Why is this happening to me?" and my vision blurred, my ears stopped up making it difficult to hear, and I thought I was going to pass out. it felt really strange. I've never had that happen before.
Mrs. Hot Vampire Spunky Lady held my face in her hands, told me in a sweet gentle voice, to look at her, to focus, and take deep breaths. She got me a cold washcloth and wiped my face and neck and arms down and fanned air on me. THANK YOU, you spunky little Minx! Without you there I'd be in the darkness. Soon I recovered and color came back to my face. I'm very grateful to her for what she did. I don't know how rare of an occurence that is, but I'm glad she knew how to handle the situation. I felt kinda bad about it seeing as I certainly didn't anticipate that happening to me. But now I'm totally fine. She gave me some water and I was back to smiling.
So, after a traumatic start to the week and a great recovery, I think I'm in need of one of those hot items off my birthday wishlist below. If you can find a similar model I'm sure she'd suffice. Just send her my way! Thanks. :)
This week is going fairly well. My brother Ken came to see me yesterday on his way through to see his in-laws that live in Alabama. Its always good to see you, Brother! I wish I'd taken a picture of me and Ken so I could post it up here. Maybe he'll stop by on the return trip. HINT HINT - if you see this, Ken!
The beginning of this week was kindof scary though. I went to the Doctor to get some bloodwork done. The sweet lady that takes my blood is great. She told me she was a Vampire. She's so spunky I bet she's a bundle of fun to hang out with. She's a bit older than me seeing as she has a son that's 25 but she sure doesn't look it. I kept looking at her ass in those bright green medical pants. I know, shame on me, but hey, I'm trying to prove a point here that she looks great for her age.

ANYway,... she was taking my blood and couldn't find a vein. I wasn't feeling well that day and I didn't drink my normal morning water, so I was getting dehydrated. I also didn't notice the time. It was already around 1:30 pm and I hadn't eaten yet. She stuck me a few times in one arm then switched to the other arm. I don't typically have ANY problem with needles. I've never fainted from them, and I used to sit up and watch Dr. Adams when he'd remove my toenail. Hell, I'd even help.

She was finally drawing some blood from my other arm and I made a comment about it looking more like Jello than blood. I was really dehydrated and all of a sudden I felt HOT. I started sweating like MAD, all over. My arms, legs, back, everything was immediately drenched. I know, gross, right? I asked, "Why is this happening to me?" and my vision blurred, my ears stopped up making it difficult to hear, and I thought I was going to pass out. it felt really strange. I've never had that happen before.
Mrs. Hot Vampire Spunky Lady held my face in her hands, told me in a sweet gentle voice, to look at her, to focus, and take deep breaths. She got me a cold washcloth and wiped my face and neck and arms down and fanned air on me. THANK YOU, you spunky little Minx! Without you there I'd be in the darkness. Soon I recovered and color came back to my face. I'm very grateful to her for what she did. I don't know how rare of an occurence that is, but I'm glad she knew how to handle the situation. I felt kinda bad about it seeing as I certainly didn't anticipate that happening to me. But now I'm totally fine. She gave me some water and I was back to smiling.
So, after a traumatic start to the week and a great recovery, I think I'm in need of one of those hot items off my birthday wishlist below. If you can find a similar model I'm sure she'd suffice. Just send her my way! Thanks. :)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Another year older
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