Of course I paused today to observe our men and women lost in battle. Of course I stopped to think about and thank those servicepeople both alive and dead, that defended our nation, that took the initiative to serve us and promote democracy.
My sixth great uncle was Thomas Jefferson. My grandfather was in the Marines. My father was in the Air Force. My step-father was in the Army. All my life I've felt very patriotic and proud of our nation.
A long time ago I turned-down a scholarship to go to West Point and tried to enlist in the Navy. I wanted to serve our nation by being on a nuclear submarine. I passed the NQT (Nuclear Qualifications Test) with flying colors and I even went to Atlanta to take the physical and be sworn in. I got to the LAST room right before the 'oath room' and as I sat there taking my eye exam I could hear the group before me taking their oath. I failed the eye exam and was given papers that stated I couldn't join due to my poor vision.
Years later I'd corrected my vision somewhat, I had letters from Senators and Congressmen in hand, but decided then not to pursue what was once my dream. (Thanks Sam Nunn, anyway!) I don't regret that decision, as my life I have now is very different because of that moment. I am pleased with the way things turned out.
I still paused today as I hope all of you did, and honored our lost men and women that gave their lives for a cause.
But as we all know, today isn't just about the memory of lost servicepeople. It is also (and this is not to take away from the day's purpose, I'm just stating what is true) a day off of work. Many people use this long weekend to go on vacation. Some use it to do work around the house. And such is my long weekend spent,... doing work around the house. Today its the recovering of Mom's old dining room chair cushions.
And so, today I also honor my mother. I cherish the memories I have of her, as I recover those chairs I've seen since I was a child. Today is Memorial Day in more than one way for me. I love you, mom. You are missed.
1 comment:
A great way to expand on Memorial Day. Thanks to your Dad and Stepdad for serving their country. West Point? Were you nuts???!!!!! Actually I don't think that (1) I could have gotten accepted and (b) I would have survived.
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