Wow! I have some terrific students this term! They're mature, willing to do their work, and like to have fun. I have a good attitude about my students this semester. It is really encouraging to see people coming to class who just look like they want to learn.
This summer session meets only 15 times, for 2.5 hours each class. That means we have to give a speech every other week to get the four required speeches in. I told them this and they didn't complain a bit. They expected it. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. :) I'm looking forward to our activity days. I think they're going to be a riot and come up with some inventive ideas.
I think one reason they're not complaining about the work is that a great many of them are older or "non-traditional" students. I remember when I went back to college. I was older, more serious, and focused on learning. I'm really glad to see people doing this - going back to college in the summer if they teach the rest of the year, going back at the same time as holding a job, and for what; so they can advance themselves. This is admirable. Of course not all of my students this term are "non-traditional" but they definitely set the mood for the younger students since they are the majority. Thanks!
There are only a few I worry about so far, and those are the students that skipped 1 or 2 classes already to go to a music festival. Of course I can't blame them because I know how it is when you love music, but I still think it was a bit dumb to skip the first two days of class when there are only 15 class days. I'm really afraid those students are going to get behind and not be able to catch up. We'll see though. I hope they're ready to bust their butts with hard work in order to catch up when they return. ;)