Monday, July 21, 2008
A MeMe - just 'cause... now shut up!
2. Your significant other?......... at work.
3. Your hair? ......... messy
4. Your mother? ...........died 3 years ago
5. Your father?........... in Florida
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night?............. not sure.. probably sexual. LOL
8. Your favorite drink? ............. Mountain Dew or Cream Soda. Hmmm
9. Your dream/goal?.............. happiness and tranquility with lots of amazing sex and to be surrounded by nature in a modest yet nice home
10. The room you're in?.............. home office.
11. Your ex?.............. evil bitch that set me back years and years in debt
12. Your fear?............... losing love
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years?...... can't say
14. Where were you last night?............. in front of the computer
15. What you're not?................skinny
16. Muffins?................... sure, thanks
17. One of your wish list items?............. a car that gets 75 mpg
18. Where you grew up?............... Georgia & Florida
19. The last thing you did?................. checked email
20. What are you wearing?................ shorts
21. Your TV?.................. ginormous and amazing
22. Your pet(s)?........................ a toy poodle
23. Your computer? ...................... is getting outdated. =/
24. Your life?.................... needs more smiles and laughs
25. Your mood?...................... mellow
26. Missing someone?................ yes
27. Your car?.................... F-150 pickup truck
28. Something you're not wearing?............ shoes or a shirt
29. Favorite Store?................. electronics store
30. Your summer?................. hot and lonely
31. Like someone.....................yes
32. Your favorite color?................... blue, today
33. Last time you really laughed.................... a few nights ago
34. Last time you cried?.................. a few weeks ago
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

We also had some big storms come through. Here's my dogwood that snapped in half. I also had a maple tree snap in half and go over my neighbor's fence. Ugh. And my roof still isn't fixed from the hail, but at least the siding is, which is where the water was coming in.
And the modifications don't stop with the backyard. Did I tell you already I had to rent a jackhammer to dig a front garden along my entrance walkway? The form had broken where they made the walkway and just covered up all the concrete (varying from 2 to 10" thick) with about an INCH of dirt. Since plants require more than an inch of dirt for their roots, here I am jackhammering my way through the concrete to make a garden.
Yasuaki also formed a special relationship with my dog. He would walk him every day and they'd even wash his feet off when he came in from his morning excursion,.... with warm water! Needless to say, my dog formed a bond with him right away.
Isn't that precious?!? Speaking of precious,... my brother, sister-in-law, and their new baby came to visit us on their way home from sis's parents house in Alabama. It was the first time I've seen my new niece. She's adorable!!!
Also lately, we've been having some amazing sunsets. We always do this time of year in Georgia. I love the colors in the sky. My mom used to call this one sky-blue-pink. That will forever be the name of the color, mom. :)
We also had a special chef come and prepare some traditional, Japanese cuisine for a bunch of guests. The food looks pretty interesting, doesn't it?
We even took them (Yasuaki & Katsuko) to Stone Mountain Park. We had a blast.
I especially enjoyed the top of the mountain. Its so serene, so peaceful, tranquil. I loved listening to the wind blow up there, and the feeling of the fresh crisp air.
The fireworks show is always great too. They were impressed with how patriotic it was. They said they had a terrific time in the U.S. and I'm glad they made the trip over. They'll be missed now that they've gone back to Japan.
Well, I know that left out a LOT of stuff,.. but I think this was a pretty good summary of the past three months. I know they were busy, but they sure were exciting. Now things are starting to get back to normal, although a few things have changed. I'm determined to lose some weight after seeing myself in these photos! lol - I started an exercise program this week and already my muscles are sore. But I'm going to keep it up. I'll have to post my progress here for you.
Have a terrific day and I'll see you again soon. Thanks for visiting! :)