Saturday, September 22, 2007
What a month
To you friends and family members that didn't know what that last post about stalking etc was about... there was this couple that worked at the place I do, yet in a nearby department. The husband was dismissed. He started blaming a friend of mine and posting personally identifiable information on her blog on which she used a pseudonym for anonimity, which as you can tell by my post, was illegal to do. No, we did not call the police on him for that violation. We were nice about that. But he kept harassing us by emailing me at work, by talking to coworkers, through posting comments on her blog, etc. In one of his comments he told me to "back down little man" etc. Those of you that know me from South GA know that's the wrong thing to say to a SGA guy, isn't it? LOL
After replying to his e-mail stating if he ever contacted me again I'd consider it harassment, I didn't hear from him and I'd hoped that was the end of it. Then one day I got called to the Dean's office to talk about a report his wife filed against me.
Let me describe the scene; Over a MONTH BEFORE all this shit happened, I walked into their office one day, there she sat, tears in her eyes. I asked what was wrong. She was afraid to go in for her first ever MRI. I told her about my dad's surgery that might be the same condition as she had, and that it would all go smoothly. I asked her if she needed a hug (I always ask ever since I read the EOC legislation when I was working on my Master's). She nodded yes as she wiped tears from her eyes. I gave her a quick hug as she sat in her chair and I stood next to her. I took her hand and said "Its gonna be alright. You'll see. Just know we all care about you and we're pulling for you." That was the end of the contact.
Over a month later, and with all the words from her husband between, she filed a sexual harassment report with public safety about the hug and hand-hold. What the fuck?!? I was being KIND and CARING and you KNOW it !!!! If you're reading this ____ & ____, you should be ASHAMED!!!!!!! Not just that, but to threaten a man's entire way of life?!?!? What kind of sick twisted people continue this bullshit?!? I had nothing to do with his dismissal, nor did my friend. So why in the world would he lash out at my friend or at me when I defended my friend?!? And why in the world would they continue to harass me when I even continued to be NICE to the wife?!? And now over some act that was a month in advance of this situation, in which I was showing compassion and kindness, am I called in for this?!?!? This isn't just a threat, this is an ACTION they took to get me fired, and not JUST fired, but if I got fired over this it would be on my record and public educational institutions would not hire me again. And I LOVE teaching. That's just WRONG of them... SO SO wrong! It infuriates me !!!!! You lying sacks of shit, you need to get down on your knees and beg forgiveness for that one before you end up in the fiery place, because what you did is just WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me SAD to see how LOW that is. 'Cause you KNOW I was being kind there.
So, I got called to the Dean's office. We had a long talk about the situation. I'm still waiting to find out what's going to happen.
On a totally separate note, because I had nothing to do with this, due to performance issues apparently, the wife no longer works there either. But just because niether one of them works there now, my job is not safe yet. I still have to contend with the charges filed and I have to try and fight to save my career I've worked so hard for. Many of you know I worked my way out of MASSIVE debt, worked 80-100 hour work-weeks to pay off bills, worked on average Two to THREE jobs at a time, and even when I worked 40 hour work-weeks, I went to school for a FULL load of classes,... ALL so I could go back to school and eventually teach.
And now, ALL that may be lost because of these two people, these two ....... I don't even want to say it......... , who have lied about my act of kindness, just to make some sick and twisted game of this. How LOW ...............
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Too long or not long enough?

Obviously this is all part of my master plan so that I'll be left alone more often and I can then focus on playing WoW without distraction. (j/k sorta) AND... very importantly,.... the new tv has a PC input so when the house is quieted at night by the sleep fairy, I can plug in my laptop and game on a 50" monitor -- that is, IF I can get it to work alright and have decent enough resolution where the items on my screen won't be too crowded.
The television gets delivered today. I might have to purchase a new dvd player and a tuner and speakers, depending on whether or not this new modernized beast can connect to my old ones or not. Nothing I have so far has optical output. Any suggestions from the peanut gallery as to what to be sure I get / do? I want the best picture quality and sound. I've already spent a fortune on the tv. I might as well spend a bit more to be sure I utilize it well.