Thursday, July 26, 2007

For a long time

For a long time I've wanted a tattoo. A long time before that I thought I'd never get one that they just weren't for me. It took me a good year once I knew I wanted a tribalesque dragon to find any I liked. After all that searching I designed my own.

It has a lot of meanings hidden in it. It was sortof my first gaming character (which started out as the pure and innocent Geoffrey Winston III and after some corruption and an infusion of black dragon blood he became a bit more evil in nature, and thus the name Veloche was born).

Also, my initials are in the body of the dragon. All three. If you know my initials, look for them. See if you can find them. :)

There are other things hidden in the design too but that's a story for another time in the future. :D

I LOVE my new (and first ever) tattoo!!! What do YOU think about it??

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Evil Inc.

I run a horde guild in the game WoW, on the Moon Guard server. We just had our first Treasure Hunt and it was a fun success. Here's a pic of some of our antics. :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Behind Bars

My brother Joe has been doing illegal things all his life. He's been in jail more times than anybody I know, and yet he thinks something is wrong with the system, that they're just giving him a hard time because he's been in jail before. Funny how he's a "victim" yet amazingly he keeps doing shit that's against the law and ending up back in jail. You'd think he'd see a pattern in all this. Sadly, he doesn't.

He's always whiny too when someone asks him about his time, "Oh, it's 'cause I'm an ex-con and they don't like ex-cons," or "it shouldn't be illegal to sell weed," or "we were just having some fun and nobody was home" (as if its okay to pipe-bomb someone's house while they're on vacation while you're high on crack) or when he was younger, "Oh, I was adopted and my parents fucked me up." The same goes for when he leaves a job, "Oh, they had a thing against me, said I was being racist," or "Oh, that guy was an ass, he was taking too much of my paycheck," or "she was giving me shit and she doesn't know how lucky she was, you know I have a temper."

Well, Joe, its because you're an asshat that lets your emotions rule you. You're not a victim. You're an asshole. I swear, man. ALL your life I NEVER judged you. I NEVER held against you those things that you did. Did I?!? NO!!! I ALWAYS had the opinion that deep down you had a good guy inside you, somewhere. I ALWAYS stood up for you whenever people would say shit about you. No more. You know why? Because you're being a stupid shithead, letting money get to you, letting your emotions vent through your actions the way you do.

As soon as you get some money in your hand from tattooing, you go nuts. I know too, don't try to bullshit me. I know you do coke, I know you smoke weed a lot, I know you drink still, I know you do other stuff too. Don't EVEN try to deny it with me. If you do, you're full of SHIT, brother.

Well, you're THIRTY-FIVE now. You're a grown man, halfway through life, and you're still doing stupid shit that gets you landed in jail. You can't hold down a job to save your life. You can't take care of your baby or the one woman that halfway kept you in line because she cared about you. Joe, here's a message from your brother, you know,.. the one that's always believed in you,... the one that always stood up for you,....... the one that always defended you even to mom and dad when you'd do crazy stuff,.........


Seriously, do you plan on being old and bald and still in jail? I hope you take what I've said here seriously since I've never said anything bad to you before. I really truly hope you straighten out and realize you're not going to live much longer if you keep this lifestyle up. That means you're not going to see your kid grow up.

You still have a chance to do something good in this life. You have the chance to take care of that kid, give him what he needs, and have something to show for the goodness buried deep down in you. I hope you take control of your life and stay off the drugs.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy AND Sad

Well the people at the job I really wanted sent me a letter saying the position was filled,... and not by me. This makes me sad. It would've been a great job for my career and for me in general. But this means I'm staying where I am now for another year and this makes me happy. See, there're some pretty darn special people where I work now and I'm happy to be their friend and be able to see them and talk with them everyday. Everything happens for a reason, right? Right! So on one hand I'm sad, and on the other hand I'm happy.