I've definitely been a busy little bee though, seriously. The new semester started last week and for several weeks prior to that I was going nonstop many hours a day, even on weekends, trying to get a new class ready.
Man, designing a new course takes a TON of work - especially when the course is to be 65% online!!! I worked on creating this class all summer but it wasn't until about 3 weeks before school started back that I realized the magnanimosity of this project for which I'd *gulp* volunteered. I'm still nowhere near done. I have yet to create PowerPoint presentations with voice accompaniment, which I plan to do for about eight chapters worth of material. I have yet to write chapter guides for 12 chapters. I have yet to write 5 class assignments out.
But at least I got a ton of course documents created, all the articles scanned and uploaded, and the course website made with blank spaces for the missing parts. I have a plan. And having a fully drawn-out plan when creating a class is a great deal of work. :)
For those of you I've neglected this past month, you have my sincerest apologies. I've been busy with work and haven't called or written many of you. Sadly, don't expect me to be a better friend for another month. =/ (lol) I've still got a ton of work ahead of me. Just know that I'm dealing with it though and only stressing out a little bit as opposed to how I used to deal with work. No wonder I had a minor heart attack at the age of 25. I used to stress out WAY too much about work. Now, I take my time even though I rush a little bit, and I afford myself breaks throughout the day when I know my brain hurts or I can feel my blood pressure rising.
You forgive me though, don't you? Great! I knew you'd understand. ;)