These things are like a virus, infecting people's lives and computers all over the world. Don't e-mail me one of these damned things though, as they're meant to just compile e-mail addresses and those lists get sold to advertisers. DON'T DO IT!!! Anyway, I stole this off of Vic's blog, thanks! ;)
Boxers or Briefs - Briefs & Boxer Briefs
Eating in or Eating out - some of each - a balance
Blondes or Brunettes - Both, and at once is better!
Intelligence or Beauty - both, but we all know my tastes are weird ;)
Money or Fame - Money, fame is dangerous
Top or Bottom - Both, but it lasts a helluva lot longer on bottom =P
Books or Movies - Movies
Fiction or Non-fiction - Non-Fiction
Black and White pictures or Colour - Both!
CD players or MP3 players - MP3s
Pencil or Pen - Pen
Dogs or Cats - Cats
Apples or Oranges - Apples baked, Oranges raw
Summer or Winter - Summer if I'm near a beach, Winter if I have skis
Day or Night - Night
Doctor or Dentist - Dentist
TV or Movies - Movies
TV or computers - Computers
Runny nose or frequent coughing - umm.... neither
Crap$ doing something you love or Great$ doing something you hate - Love
Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears - Brittany (is she on top or bottom?)
Up early or sleep late - Both depending on the dream ;)
Give or take - Take
Bath or Shower - Shower
PJs or Nekkid - Not PJs but not Nekkid either
Beach or Mountains - Mountains but I like the beach too
Looks or laughs - Laughs
Pink or Blue - Blue
Chips or Chocolate - Chips
Mary Ann or Ginger - Mary Ann & Ginger with handcuffs and cream pies!
Coke or Pepsi - Root Beer or Cream Soda (or Coke)
Today, are you happy or sad? - Both