- 1st Major Item: When we first looked at the house I noticed that the living room floor was sunken in a little bit. I asked the builder to do some bracing to resolve that problem, but today the home inspector came and together we figured out why their new "bracing" didn't work. The morons who built the thing put the load-bearing wall 3 feet too far to the right of the laminated beam that's meant to support it. And that's why the front foundation wall now has a hairline fracture in it, due to the sheer pressure of it sitting there for one year not correctly supported. Now they're going to have to hire a 3rd party structural engineer at THEIR cost to analyze the situation and determine a proper way to fix it. 'Cause I certainly won't buy a damn house that's going to crumble the foundation due to code violations as major as that. They're going to have to add either another laminated beam (which would mean taking out a french door and making it a single door - GRRRRRR!!!!) or they're going to have to add some support beams, in effect reducing the size of the large downstairs room I was hoping to put a pool table in. (another GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!) They're going to have to PROVE to me that it's fixed before I'll EVER pick up a pen. You'd think people would do their jobs right in the first place so they'd save money in the long run.>.<
- 2nd Major Item: They used sheetrock instead of greenboard around the showers and tubs in the bathrooms. Hello!?!? How stupid do you have to be to do that as a contractor?!? In the upstairs bathroom there's not only sheetrock around a regular height tub that has a showerhead above it, but there's not even a shower stall or tile or anything protecting the sheetrock! What the hell is wrong with people that they'd do such a shitty job?!? Don't people take pride in their work any more?!? Grrr! >.<
There are quite a few other 'major' and 'minor' concerns, including a few safety issues as well. If this builder doesn't fix EVERYTHING on the inspector's list and quite a few things on my 'cosmetic' list, like proper caulking and painting,... guess what. They can kiss my ass and keep the fucking house. I'd be willing to bet they'd rather fix the items than sit on another year of financing. But who knows if they will. If I don't end up buying it, I sure hope that whoever comes along after me hires an inspector.
IF and ONLY IF they fix all the items, and fix them properly and DAMN WELL, will I buy the house. Below you can see some pictures of the exterior. I took them today. It was a beautiful day for it.