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Hey all!Well, it is summer break. Spring classes are OVER! Yay! I've been sleeping in late and staying up late like my body's clock is set. Thanks a lot mom, for that marvelous oddity. :p I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft, and am happily moving along in levels on a few of my characters, most notably my Warrior on Proudmoore. Right now he's level 58 (out of 60 levels). Nattsu and I both made Hunter alts on Elvis' server so I could chat with him more often, and we're Loving the Hunter thing. Nattsu likes it because she can name pets, make clothes, and fight from a distance. For me, it is a welcome change - fighting from a distance that is, from the Warrior - plus, pets are cool. :)I'll be teaching two classes soon for Summer 2nd session. I have no idea how I'm going to squeeze all that content into two months' time. It just doesn't seem right they offer these classes and give the same amount of credit for them in so short a time in the summer. I think it is wrong. The state Board of Regent's should mandate that lesser credit shall be given. There's NO WAY to cover the same content and require the same work for some classes. =/In the Fall, I HOPE I'll be teaching Play & Technology. The course was approved and is on the list, but as of right now I only have 6 people in the class. I need to do some marketing this summer and try to boost those numbers so they don't close it. Perhaps I can talk to some other department heads and convince them to give credit for it in their departments. Then I can open it up to Engineering and Education majors as well. That'd be super!