I figured I'd start posting some of my poetry here - some of it old, some of it new. Stay tuned for more to come. :)
Fucked-up delusions of me on a bike
riding through this amusement called life.
Where will it end, with death or beyond?
Only the wind knows and tomorrow is gone.
Today we need the answers for life, love, and sex.
Tomorrow we die, with eight minutes left.
All the papers graded, the answers are in.
Now it's too late though, we died with our sins.
I wrote that one somewhere around 1999. Who knows what the hell I was thinking but I've always liked that one. Here's another you might enjoy although it's a bit apocalyptic.
Rampant rivers, pebble beds,
forest trees, green, are dead.
Mother Nature, shot in the head.
All our world soon will die.
All our world soon will die.
Cars on freeways, move along.
Senseless words in meaningless songs.
Nuclear testing, atom bombs,
puncture the ozone in the sky.
All our world soon will die.
All our world soon will die.
I don't always have that bleak of an outlook on life. *shrug* I wrote that poem one day (sometime in 2001) and used it as the attention-getter in a persuasive speech I gave in a contest at Georgia State University. The speech was persuading people to use public transportation (which I did for several years). I formatted the speech using
Monroe's Motivated Sequence, a form that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. often used, which illustrates what the world would be like if the problem continues, and then what the world would be like if we implement the solution. It is a very powerful and emotional format for a speech. Mine won the contest. Thank you Aristotle and Alan Monroe. ;)